Ordering & Availability
Rooted Cuttings And Liners, Yearlings, And More
Rooted cuttings are available for preorder only; orders should be placed by November 1st.
Rhododendron cuttings are rooted over the winter. Deciduous azaleas are rooted over the summer and vireyas can be rooted any time of the year.
Click here for Stock Plant and Vireya ListsExpand
Rhododendron Hybrid and Species Stock Plant Lists

Guidance For The Wholesale Trade
Wholesale prices available upon request.
- Not all varieties are available in all sizes.
- For plants over #3 size, contact us for possible shipping arrangements.
- Rare and unusual varieties or single sales are priced individually.
Van Veen has functioned as a wholesaler of plant material since its founding in Portland in 1926. We look forward to serving our wholesale clients and the nursery trade, especially this year, as we experience a renewed interest in gardens, gardening and the acquisition of plant material of all kinds.Planning ahead is critical in the wholesale trade and especially with our focus on plant propagation in which Lead time to acquire large quantities of cuttings, closely supervise the propagation, and meet the negotiated delivery dates are our top priorities. Please contact Jake, our Operations Lead, to discuss your needs, priorities, and delivery dates. Please note: We sell to North America/US Territory only.In our business timing is important to source quality cuttings, plan and oversee the propagation schedule, and to meet your due date to receive the plant material. All these steps require careful planning and coordination. We are here to serve you.

Pre-Book to Order Rooted Cuttings
Rooted cuttings are available for preorder only; orders should be placed by November 1. Most plants on the Van Veen Mother Plant List can be pre-ordered as rooted cuttings. Or you may acquire cuttings from your own sources that ship to Van Veen Nursery for propagation. In much of the U.S. and Canada, the season for taking cuttings is generally summer through autumn, though it all depends on the seasonal variations in the development of new growth. Early bloomers usually force new growth earlier in the season, late spring/early summer, while new growth on late bloomers develops during the late summer/early autumn. Rhododendrons and evergreen azaleas are rooted over the winter. Deciduous azaleas are rooted over the summer. And Vireyas can be rooted at any time of year. Additional charges for holding over rooted cuttings an extra year. If you are looking for plants that are not on our mother plant list, please inquire as we often have additional sources available for cuttings.
Plant Availability Updates
Plants lists are always changing. It may be possible that a plant is sold out or available in a different size. For questions concerning availability and current sizes, contact us. Knowing which varieties you need will help us answer your question quickly. Thanks for your interest in Van Veen Nursery and its products and services.